philosophical construction that disregards or is blind to the overriding evidenceof ethical concern in the lives and thought of the masters of religious history.
Further, the field of contemporary Christian ethics focuses almostexclusively on the social dimension of moral conduct, and less on the mysticalconsciousness that may propel it; it is also based on an onto-theologicalassumption critiqued by many postmodernists, and on a post-enlightenmentpreoccupation with the individualized, autonomous self.
Yet, the intrinsic unity of the spiritual and moral life was central to the patristic and medieval periods,and was even retained to a large extent in the Christian West until the sixteenthand seventeenth centuries, when moral theology developed as a separatediscipline distinct from dogmatic theology. The moral theology of this period“manifested not merely a process of developing theological specialization but a bifurcation in the inherent relationship of the moral and spiritual dimensions of Christian living.”
2 For studies on the academic appropriation of mysticism see, Steven T. Katz,
Mysticismand Philosophical Analysis
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1978); Grace M. Jantzen,
Power, Gender, and Christian Mysticism
(Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 1997); Louis Dupre, “
Unio Mystica:
The State and the Experience,” in
Mystical Union and Monotheistic Faith: An Ecumenical Dialogue
, Moshe Idel and BernardMcGinn, eds. (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989), 3–23; BernardMcGinn,
The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century
(New York:Crossroad Publishing Company, 1992), “General Introduction,” xi–xx. A number of studies underscore the moral in mysticism, among them: Steven T. Katz, “Mysticism andEthics in Western Mystical Traditions,”
Religious Studies
28 (September 1992) 3: 407–423 and “Mysticism and Ethics in Eastern Mystical Traditions,”
Religious Studies
28(June 1992) 2: 253–267. Grace M. Jantzen: “Ethics and Mysticism: Friends or Foes?”
Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht Universiteit van Amsterdam
39(1985): 314–326; Dennis J. Billy, “Mysticism and Moral Theology,”
Studia Moralia
34(1996): 389–415; Howard Thurman, “Mysticism and Ethics,”
Journal of Religious Thought
27 (1970) 2: 23–30; Janet K. Ruffing, ed.,
Mysticism and Social Transformation
(Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2001).3 The voices of feminist, womanist,
, and postmodern theologians have critiquedthe foundation of the Western ethical tradition. Among them are Grace Jantzen,
Becoming Divine: Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Religion
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1999); idem,
Power, Gender, and Christian Mysticism
; Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz,
En La Lucha: A Hispanic Women’s Liberation Theology
(Minneapolis: Fortress Press,1993); Lois K. Daly,
Feminist Theological Ethics: A Reader
(Louisville: Westminster JohnKnox Press, 1994); Emilie M. Townes, ed.
A Troubling in My Soul: Womanist Perspectives on Evil and Suffering
(Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 1995); Wendy Farley,
Tragic Visionand Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy
(Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1990); John D. Caputo,
Against Ethics: Contributions to a Poetics of Obligationwith Constant Reference to Deconstruction
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993).4 See Mark O’Keefe,
Becoming Good, Becoming Holy: On the Relationship of ChristianEthics and Spirituality
(New York: Paulist Press, 1995), 13.
Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 9. Band, 2007
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